Join us for skill training and Jesus. Soccer, Basketball, and we've also added two new sports this year: Tennis and Cheerleading. Tennis is for students in 4th and 5th grade. 

When: June 3rd-6th, 6:00-7:30PM

Where: Mound Park

How Much: $15

Sign up before May 25th for EARLY BIRD pricing!

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Join US

We want to be a church that is FOR. FOR Portsmouth and FOR Scioto County. This is going to look like a lot of different things, but you can find out a little more about that HERE

If you are FOR Portsmouth, or as we like to say, FOR5662, then we hope you will consider joining us as we seek to bring hope and light to our community. 

Current Series

As we exit the Easter Season, it is important for us to move from the celebration of what Jesus did for us to the mission that he sent us on. The simple truth is that Jesus Loved and he calls us to do the same. 

All month we will be looking at WHO Jesus loved. What groups of people did Jesus show the most grace and compassion to? 

And just as importantly, how do WE show love to those same groups. 


We are located on the corner of Grandview Ave and US52.

1211 Grandview Ave

Portsmouth OH, 45662

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The easiest way to stay connected is by downloading our church app. Find and register for upcoming events, find people in our church directory, find groups, and so much more! Simply click on the link below: